I have tried various ways to import my video. I have gotten it to accept some small .avi clips, and a long .wmv clip, but when I tried longer .avi and a second .wmv, it wouldn't do it. Although the format appeared in the program, it wouldn't accept the clip.
Answer by
Alex Urbach
Indeed, the application supports those files, but you will need some codecs to be able to use them. This is, in fact, described on the official website. Access the link below, then scroll down to the: Output files (MPEG, MP4, FLV) could not play back normally on your PC?.
I have tried various ways to import my video. I have gotten it to accept some small .avi clips, and a long .wmv clip, but when I tried longer .avi and a second .wmv, it wouldn't do it. Although the format appeared in the program, it wouldn't accept the clip.
Indeed, the application supports those files, but you will need some codecs to be able to use them. This is, in fact, described on the official website. Access the link below, then scroll down to the: Output files (MPEG, MP4, FLV) could not play back normally on your PC?.
You can install those codecs because they're OK, but make sure to double check the installation for additional offers.